Marcel Chatelfort

"They say he's morally gray, what can I say, gray's my favorite color."

Basic Information

Name : Marceloix "Marcel" Chatelfort
Aliases: Captain
Race: Duskwight Elezen - Vampire
Place of Origin: Sharlayan
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 6'11"
Age: 305
Eye Color: Ocean blue
Hair Color: White
Scars/Marks: Missing right eye, riddled with scars from blades and bullets
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Married
Fighting Style: Warrior / Machinist


"That's Captain to you."

Born into a noble, Sharalyan family, Marcel was disowned from the Chatelfort family at the age of twenty. The reasons behind his dismissal isn't talked about, and he becomes upset if anyone asks or attempts to bring it up. Bringing it up can possibly be the end of that person's life.For well over 280 years Marcel has been a pirate aboard the ship known as the Cerberus. After the first seven of those years he became the captain. His crew is known as the Hell Knights. While it would seem like they are not pirates, being that there is legal trade with goods between the nations, what goes on behind the scenes is far more illegal than what he would lead anyone to believe.Marcel was turned into a vampire when a passenger upon his ship had tricked him and seduced him, he was left alone after such acts to learn how to be a vampire on his own. It had been a learning process, but the vampirate made due with what he could. He learned quickly how to survive as a vampire with the help of an elder who took him in to mentor him to mingle with society without the urge to murder every last human he comes in contact with.Fate had other plans for Marcel when he thought he would be forced to live his life alone. While he had his friends and his crew, Marcel struggled with any sort of relationship. It was not uncommon for the captain to have a new partner every voyage across the sea. If one needed transport, his request for payment was that they were to spend the trip with him in his cabin as his 'personal' guest.That is, until he met Jace. A sweet viera that had booked him for a night in a brothel that he worked from time to time. He didn't know it then, but the Siren that had booked him would eventually be his husband. The two wed one fateful spring and had their miracle son, Joachim, a few turns of the star later.


Jace Chatelfort - Husband
Joachim Chatelfort - Son
Damien Velenoso - Joachim's boyfriend
Bart - Marcel's Horror minion
Mr. Jitters - Joachim's skeleton cat
Redolphus "Redd" Sthalloef - Best friend and right hand man
Linette O'rhulhi - Cook
Davien Sarmantoix - Mentor


As a pirate captain, talks of trade are of interest to Marcel. Need a job done and need it done with no questions asked? Why not seek the captain and his crew? More often than not, he will be interested in making a deal. He's no stranger to messy jobs.
Immortality and supernatural beings are something Marcel is very familiar with. Having spent three centuries on this star, Marcel has seen a thing or two. Having learned to control his hunger, he is able to walk amongst mortals without wanting to murder everyone. The blessing of his husband's Siren allows him to walk in the sunlight and not get burned.
While it has been some time since Marcel has dabbled in being a courtesan, he does still find the idea to be quite delicious. He has mastered the art of seduction in more ways than one, and is not shy on showing someone a thing or two. Just be mindful of the fangs.

OOC Information

Age and Preferences: 21+ RPer, prefer those interacting to also be over 21Availability: EST timezone: Mostly active after 8pm on weekdays, most of the day on weekendsDiscord: Soka_ArashiERP is welcome, please at least talk to me first and possibly get to know my character beforehand.I am transmasc, with pronouns of he/him.I am in a very committed relationship outside of RP. So, please keep IC/OOC separate.Interests: Casual conversation, plot discussion, potential romance themes, slice of life themes, dark themes, angsty themes, sexual themesOff limits: Homophobia, transphobia, anything involving misuse of children. While death is not fully off limits, permanent death is a no-goAsk if unsure a topic is sensitive or not. More likely than not I will be willing to brush the topic in RPI'm here for a good time, not a long time. Let's make the most of it